Q: I had to chuckle over this line from one of your readers: “I’m still the best driver I know.”

Has there ever been a single person ever who thinks they’re not a great driver?

Michael Babcock, Oakland

A: Let’s find out. And let’s check both good and bad drivers.

I invite Roadshow readers who think they’re great drivers to tell us why. And are you such a good driver that someone who has ridden with you would agree with your claim of driving excellence?

If you’re an admittedly bad driver, what is your biggest failing as a driver, and why do you drive that way, if you know you shouldn’t? Do you tailgate? Are you a Darth Vader who at the last moment veers into the right lane to exit? Do you consider using your blinker makes you a wimp? Do you think going 85 mph is acceptable? Do you blow through red lights? Do you consider bicyclists as enemies of the state? What else? Please fess up.

Q: Have there been any complaints of large trucks using Interstate 580 from Castro Valley to Dublin/Pleasanton? When they use the two outer lanes, they leave other motorists only two lanes. How about using only the outside lane, except when passing, and observing the 55-mph speed limit? A long string of trucks can make it very difficult to reach your desired exit, among other things. Comments from readers?

Leslie Hatakeda

A: No recent flurry of complaints, but this flares up every few months.

Q: When getting a green light, check to see that there are no cars coming from cross traffic. Slamming on the brakes probably saved my life.

I was driving my sub-3,000-pound sports car and got a green light. I accelerated, but I saw a large pickup truck on my left slam on his brakes. I could not see to the left because of the truck. My instinct was to slam on the brakes. Not one second later, a large truck ran the red and could have destroyed my driver-side door.

Jens A.

A:  Smart driver. If another vehicle slows, assume there’s a reason for his caution.

Q: I’ve driven three-quarters of a million miles. Too many times after going through an intersection, I noticed (or my wife noticed) that the light was red. It happens to even the best of drivers. So obey the law. When the light turns green, see if the intersection is clear before proceeding. The life you save may be your own.

Frank N.

A: More good advice. Look both ways always.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at https://ift.tt/27E9ALQ. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow, or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.